How to Install Oracle Grid Control 11g (Step by Step Guide)
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control is a tool to manage and monitor multiple instances of Oracle and non-Oracle platforms such as Microsoft .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, NetApp Filers, BEA weblogic and others.
I’ll show how to install Oracle Grid Control 11g on Oracle Linux (32bit). Here are the main steps:
1) Installation of Oracle Linux (How to Install Oracle Linux 5.6)
2) Installation of Oracle Database (Repository Database)
3) Installation of Java and Weblogic Server (Middleware)
4) Installation of Grid Control
5) Installation of Grid Control Agent to a Target System
Because we installed oracle-validated package (
How to Install Oracle Linux 5.6), user oracle and the related groups have been already created automatically. Password of the user Oracle is “oracle”. Login as oracle to the system, download the Oracle Database binaries. I’ll use but the steps will be for which you can download from
Unzip the files:
For regular (Linux x86):
Unzip will create a directory named “database”, go into this directory and run “./runInstaller”:
I’ll not set up MOS credentials now and will do a vanilla install. Uncheck the “I wish to receive security updates” and click next.
Again, I select “skip software updates” and click next.
Select “create and configure a database”, click next.
Select “server class”, it will allow us more options. Click next.
Select “single instance” and click next.
We can go with “typical install” but I’ll select “advanced install” for more options. Click next.
Select the languages you want to use (for the dialogs etc), “english” is fine. So click next.
EM Grid Control requires “Enterprise Edition”, so be sure the select the enterprise edition and click next.
Enter the path for the Oracle Base. Installer will change the target path for the software location (ORACLE_HOME) according to the path for the oracle base.
Enter the location for the Oracle Inventory, click next.
Select “general purpose” for database type and click next.
Enter the global database name (and SID), click next.
I’ll not change default settings of database bu memory usage. Because this system has only 2GB, I’ll set 500MB for database service.
It’s ok to use EM Database Control for now, we’ll remove it later. So click next
I’ll use file system to store datafiles, click next.
I’ll not enable auto backups, you can enable if you want.
Enter strong passwords (which contains upper and lower cases characters and at least one numberic character) for system users.
DBA group is ok, click next.
So we’re ready to install the database, click “install”.
Wait until software installation completed.
When the software is installed, DBCA utility will create the database automatically.
The database is created. Click OK to close the window.
Open a terminal window, switch to root user by issuing “su – root”, and run the scripts to complete the installation.
Press enter to accept the default values for the script asks. After you run the both scripts, click OK.
Database installation is completed, now we need to some changes to be able to use this database as Grid Control repository.
Let’s set the environment variables to be able to connect the database (or you can create unix profile script and use it:
Now we can drop the Enterprise Database Control. First I’ll stop it and then I’ll issue “emca -deconfig dbcontrol” to drop it:
We also need to change the default values of log_buffer, processes and session_cached_cursors, and also increase the size of UNDO tablespace. Run sqlplus to connect to database as sysdba, and issue the following commands:
We restart the database for settings take effect.
We should download and install 10.3.2 version from Oracle:
32bit Linux version (I’ll use this one):
If you’ll install 64bit, be sure that you install 64bit version of Java SDK and install the generic version:
You can start 64bit install for Weblogic Server by issuing the following command:
This is welcome screen, click next.
Enter the path for the middleware home (a folder that can accessed by oracle) and click next.
I do not wish the security updates, so uncheck the box and click next.
Select the typical installation, and click next.
You can accept the default value for the weblogic server path, click next.
Wait until the installation completed.
Uncheck the “run quickstart” and click done to complete the installation.
Download the Grid Control zip files from Oracle:
Here are the links for Linux 32bit version:
unzip the files then go into “grid” and run the installer:
As I said, I’ll make a vailla install so I will not enter the MOS credentials. I uncheck the box for “I wish to receive security updates” and accept the dialog and click next.
Select skip software updates and click next.
Select “new install” and click next
If you have followed my documents from the start (including installation of OS), all prerequisites should have been satisfied.
Accept the default values and click next.
Enter the passwords for weblogic user and node manager.
Enter the connection details for the repository database, when you click next, Installer will check the information and warn you if any error occurs.
Enter the password for user SYSMAN. Grid Control data will be stored in SYSMAN schema. Default paths are OK for me, so I will not change the default paths of the new datafiles.
Enter the registration password. Grid Agents will register to Grid Control service by using this password. You can disable HTTP (insecure) connections to your service and web interface. I’ll leave the boxes checked so all communion will be secure.
You can change the ports but I recommend you to accept the defaults and click next.
Click “install” to start installing Grid Control software.
Wait until installation completed.
Open a terminal, switch to root (su -) and run the root script, then click OK.
Wait until the installer configures your Grid Control.
Installation completed. Now we can read the Grid Control:
Because Grid Control do not use a valid SSL certificate, you’ll get a warning when you try to connect. Ignore the warning (accept the risk) and proceed to the website.
When it asks for the username and password, you should enter the password of SYSMAN.
Go to deployment page, click “install agent” under the title Agent Installation.
Click “Fresh install”
Enter the installation details. You must enter:
1) Select the platform (architecture of the target system);
2) Host name into “host list” (you can start installing agents to multiple targets);
3) OS Credientals – uncheck the run unless the user has sudo privileges;
4) Installation base directory (this is in target server);
5) Management Server Registration Password
Before click continue, edit /etc/hosts files of both target and Grid Control server and add the hostnames and IPs. My grid control server’s name is and name of the target server is
I add the following line to /etc/hosts of target server:
I also add the following line to /etc/hosts of Grid Control:
So both servers can resolve the host names of each other. You can try to ping each other to be sure.
Uncheck the box about security updates or enter the MOS credentials, click “submit”.
Click yes to continue.
Wait until agent is installed (it may take some time).
Our target server is registered to Grid Control. Connect to the target server, login as root and run the file:
/ (for example: /u01/oracle/agent11/
We can see the target server on the hosts page.
Although we can see the database of the new server, we need to configure it so Grid Control can monitor it. Select the database, and then click “configure”.
DBSNMP will be used to monitor the database. If this is a new database, enter a dummy password for user DBSNMP and click “test connection”.
As you see, Grid Control will ask you if you want to change the password of DBSNMP. Click “change dbsnmp password” button.
Enter the password of system (or any other user which can unlock and change password of dbsnmp) and a new password for dbsnmp, then click OK.
Now password of dbsnmp has been changed, click next.
If your target database is 10g or higher, then it will go to last step. If your target database is 9i, it will ask you some questions about installing statspack. Click “submit” to complete the configuration.
It’s done.
Our target server and the database running on that server registered to Grid Control and required configuration is done.
I’ll show how to install Oracle Grid Control 11g on Oracle Linux (32bit). Here are the main steps:
1) Installation of Oracle Linux (How to Install Oracle Linux 5.6)
2) Installation of Oracle Database (Repository Database)
3) Installation of Java and Weblogic Server (Middleware)
4) Installation of Grid Control
5) Installation of Grid Control Agent to a Target System
Installation of Oracle Database 11.2
After you install Oracle Linux, login as root and create the directories for Grid Control and other software we’ll install:
Unzip the files:
I’ll not set up MOS credentials now and will do a vanilla install. Uncheck the “I wish to receive security updates” and click next.
Again, I select “skip software updates” and click next.
Select “create and configure a database”, click next.
Select “server class”, it will allow us more options. Click next.
Select “single instance” and click next.
We can go with “typical install” but I’ll select “advanced install” for more options. Click next.
Select the languages you want to use (for the dialogs etc), “english” is fine. So click next.
EM Grid Control requires “Enterprise Edition”, so be sure the select the enterprise edition and click next.
Enter the path for the Oracle Base. Installer will change the target path for the software location (ORACLE_HOME) according to the path for the oracle base.
Enter the location for the Oracle Inventory, click next.
Select “general purpose” for database type and click next.
Enter the global database name (and SID), click next.
I’ll not change default settings of database bu memory usage. Because this system has only 2GB, I’ll set 500MB for database service.
It’s ok to use EM Database Control for now, we’ll remove it later. So click next
I’ll use file system to store datafiles, click next.
I’ll not enable auto backups, you can enable if you want.
Enter strong passwords (which contains upper and lower cases characters and at least one numberic character) for system users.
DBA group is ok, click next.
So we’re ready to install the database, click “install”.
Wait until software installation completed.
When the software is installed, DBCA utility will create the database automatically.
The database is created. Click OK to close the window.
Open a terminal window, switch to root user by issuing “su – root”, and run the scripts to complete the installation.
Press enter to accept the default values for the script asks. After you run the both scripts, click OK.
Database installation is completed, now we need to some changes to be able to use this database as Grid Control repository.
Let’s set the environment variables to be able to connect the database (or you can create unix profile script and use it:
Installation of Java and Weblogic Server
It’s time to install Weblogic Application Server, but before installing Weblogic Application Server, we need to install (update) our Java to 1.6.x:
We should download and install 10.3.2 version from Oracle:
32bit Linux version (I’ll use this one):
If you’ll install 64bit, be sure that you install 64bit version of Java SDK and install the generic version:
You can start 64bit install for Weblogic Server by issuing the following command:
This is welcome screen, click next.
Enter the path for the middleware home (a folder that can accessed by oracle) and click next.
I do not wish the security updates, so uncheck the box and click next.
Select the typical installation, and click next.
You can accept the default value for the weblogic server path, click next.
Wait until the installation completed.
Uncheck the “run quickstart” and click done to complete the installation.
Installation of Grid Control
Ok so we have a database (ready for being repository for Grid Control) and weblogic server. Now it’s time to install the Grid Control.Download the Grid Control zip files from Oracle:
Here are the links for Linux 32bit version:
unzip the files then go into “grid” and run the installer:
As I said, I’ll make a vailla install so I will not enter the MOS credentials. I uncheck the box for “I wish to receive security updates” and accept the dialog and click next.
Select skip software updates and click next.
Select “new install” and click next
If you have followed my documents from the start (including installation of OS), all prerequisites should have been satisfied.
Accept the default values and click next.
Enter the passwords for weblogic user and node manager.
Enter the connection details for the repository database, when you click next, Installer will check the information and warn you if any error occurs.
Enter the password for user SYSMAN. Grid Control data will be stored in SYSMAN schema. Default paths are OK for me, so I will not change the default paths of the new datafiles.
Enter the registration password. Grid Agents will register to Grid Control service by using this password. You can disable HTTP (insecure) connections to your service and web interface. I’ll leave the boxes checked so all communion will be secure.
You can change the ports but I recommend you to accept the defaults and click next.
Click “install” to start installing Grid Control software.
Wait until installation completed.
Open a terminal, switch to root (su -) and run the root script, then click OK.
Wait until the installer configures your Grid Control.
Installation completed. Now we can read the Grid Control:
Because Grid Control do not use a valid SSL certificate, you’ll get a warning when you try to connect. Ignore the warning (accept the risk) and proceed to the website.
When it asks for the username and password, you should enter the password of SYSMAN.
Installation of Grid Control Agent to a Target System
As you know, Grid Control is designed to manage and monitor multiple databases, now I’ll install the grid control agent to another server (running on Oracle Linux 5.6 32bit). Oracle 10g installed on the target server. Because our Grid Control and target server have the same Operation system and architecture, I will not download additional agent software.Go to deployment page, click “install agent” under the title Agent Installation.
Click “Fresh install”
Enter the installation details. You must enter:
1) Select the platform (architecture of the target system);
2) Host name into “host list” (you can start installing agents to multiple targets);
3) OS Credientals – uncheck the run unless the user has sudo privileges;
4) Installation base directory (this is in target server);
5) Management Server Registration Password
Before click continue, edit /etc/hosts files of both target and Grid Control server and add the hostnames and IPs. My grid control server’s name is and name of the target server is
I add the following line to /etc/hosts of target server:
I also add the following line to /etc/hosts of Grid Control:
So both servers can resolve the host names of each other. You can try to ping each other to be sure.
Uncheck the box about security updates or enter the MOS credentials, click “submit”.
Click yes to continue.
Wait until agent is installed (it may take some time).
Our target server is registered to Grid Control. Connect to the target server, login as root and run the file:
We can see the target server on the hosts page.
Although we can see the database of the new server, we need to configure it so Grid Control can monitor it. Select the database, and then click “configure”.
DBSNMP will be used to monitor the database. If this is a new database, enter a dummy password for user DBSNMP and click “test connection”.
As you see, Grid Control will ask you if you want to change the password of DBSNMP. Click “change dbsnmp password” button.
Enter the password of system (or any other user which can unlock and change password of dbsnmp) and a new password for dbsnmp, then click OK.
Now password of dbsnmp has been changed, click next.
If your target database is 10g or higher, then it will go to last step. If your target database is 9i, it will ask you some questions about installing statspack. Click “submit” to complete the configuration.
It’s done.
Our target server and the database running on that server registered to Grid Control and required configuration is done.
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